divide by 78 counter can be realized using

Discussion in 'Windows Know Base' started by securityhope, Nov 10, 2016.

  1. securityhope

    securityhope Administrator Staff Member

    Aug 3, 2016
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    A divide by 78 counter can be realized using?

    a) 6 number of mod 13 counters
    b) 13 number of mod 6 counters
    c) one mod-13 counter followed by one mod 6 counter
    d) 13 number of mod-13 counters

    The right answer is C. 78=13*6. The mod-13 counter will be incremented with each pulse of the incoming signal, and will overflow every 13 counts of such pulses. The mod-6 counter will be incremented each time that the mod-13 counter overflows. The mod-6 counter will overflow every 6 of its counts. Therefore, the mod-6 counter will overflow every 6*13=78 pulses of the incoming signal.

    In other words, for each state of the mod-6 counter, the mod-13 counter counts 13 states. So, in total, you will have 6*13=78 different "global" states. That's why, if you have them one after the other (so that counter k increments one unit when counter k-1 overflows), you have to multiply the numbers of states, not add them.

    These will be the count values for each of the two counters, before each pulse at the input.

    {(mod-13 counter value) (mod-6 counter value)} 
    {0 0} 
    {1 0} 
    {12 0} 
    {0 1} 
    {1 1} 
    {12 1} 
    {0 2} 
    {1 2} 
    {12 5} 
    <-- Here is the overflow for the global counter formed. Above this line, there are 78 different states. 
    {0 0} 

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