There is not enough free space on the PS3 Hard Disk Drive (HDD) to perform the requested operation. Solution: Make space available on the PS3...
You have reached the maximum number of people that you can add to your PlayStation Network block list. Solution: You must remove at least one...
There was an issue with low system memory. Solution Restart the PlayStation 3 system. For more tips and hints on using your PlayStation system,...
If a user is on your PlayStation Network Friends list, you cannot add the same user to your block list. Solution: Remove the user from your...
A network error occurred when trying to connect online. Solution Restart the PS3 system and try to connect online again or try connecting at a...
The Online ID you are trying to add is already on your block list. Solution: Check that the spelling of the user’s Online ID is correct, taking...
There was an issue when trying to connect to the game server. Solution Try connecting at a later time as there may be congestion with your...
The score ranking for the game you are playing is not available at this time as it is undergoing maintenance. Solution Try accessing the score...
The score ranking for the game you are playing has been discontinued. Solution Nothing can be done as the score ranking for this game is no...
There was an issue uploading the ranking data to the server; this may be due to too much data being uploaded. Solution Try syncing your ranking...
The Online ID that was entered when sending messages, game data, game invitations or friend registration requests does not exist. Solution: Check...
Unable to retrieve ranking data from the server. This may be caused either by there being no ranking data or because the ranking data having been...
The attached file you are trying to access has been deleted from the server. Solution Ask the person who attempted to send the attached file to...
The Sony Entertainment Network account you are using has been banned from using the score ranking system for the game you are playing. Solution:...
The text that has been entered contains inappropriate words which are not allowed. Solution: Try entering different text. For more tips and hints...
Unable to access PlayStation Network or connect to an online game. This may be due to maintenance on PlayStation Network or temporary congestion...
The PlayStation 3 system is having an issue playing the game. This could be a problem with the game attempting to access PlayStation Network....
The maximum number of people who can be added as friends has been reached. Solution Remove friends from your friends list. For more tips and...
The PS3 system was unable to connect to the network server. Solution: Attempt to connect to the Internet at a later time. If the problem...
You are attempting to add yourself to your block list. Solution: It is not possible to add yourself to your own block list. If you were not...
Separate names with a comma.