An error has occurred with system software Follow the on-screen instructions and select [Report Problem]. Make sure that you have the latest...
Cannot connect to the server PlayStation Network or the game server is temporarily unavailable. Please try again later.
This update file cannot be used The update file on your USB device cannot be used. To install an update file from USB, please make sure that...
Error occurred in game or application An error has occurred while using a game or an application, please test your Internet connection by...
Connection error The system can't connect to either PlayStation Network (PSN) or the game server. Check that PSN services are available. If there...
DNS settings are invalid. Restart the PlayStation 4 system to refresh the network connection. Go to [Settings] > [Network] > [Test Internet...
Data on the system may be corrupted Shut down the PlayStation 4 system. Start the system in Safe Mode, and select [5. Rebuild Database]. If the...
Please insert the correct disc into the PlayStation 4 system. To run this application, the disc needs to be inserted into the PlayStation 4...
The Download has been suspended. Downloaded content is likely corrupted. Restart the PlayStation 4 system. Then restart the download You can...
Unable to start Share Play because the speed of your network (Upload) is lower than 2Mbps. We recommend you to improve your network speed. To get...
You are signed out of PSN. To use this feature, please sign in PSN by selecting [Settings] > [PSN] > [Sign In to PSN]
Unable to connect to the server. Server is likely to be temporarily busy. The PlayStation Network (PSN) is temporarily unavailable. Please try...
You cannot join Share Play because the network connection speed is poor, or the network connection is unstable. To get the best experience from...
Echec du téléchargement en amont de la vidéo sur YouTube. It looks like you can't upload a video because an error has occurred while binding your...
Connection timed out as the wireless connection experiencing instability You may have a problem connecting to your local network, try the...
This PSN account has been banned This Sony Entertainment Network ("SEN") account has been temporarily suspended from accessing SEN services for...
This PSN account has been temporarily suspended This Sony Entertainment Network ("SEN") account has been temporarily suspended from accessing SEN...
Failed to update the System Software. The update file may be corrupted. If you are updating the system via the internet, go to [Settings] >...
Could not connect to the network You may have a problem connecting to your local network, please try the following steps: PlayStation Network...
Could not connect to the server (HTTP 503 error). Retry after a while, or check the PlayStation Network status here.
Separate names with a comma.