Discussion in 'Windows Know Base' started by securityhope, Apr 1, 2017.

  1. securityhope

    securityhope Administrator Staff Member

    Aug 3, 2016
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    “SYSTEM THREAD EXCEPTION NOT HANDLED” or “0X0000007E” both are the same BSOD (Blue screen of death) errors and this error mainly indicates that there is a system thread generated with an exception that the error handler was not able to catch in your Windows Operating System.

    In a normal language, if you’re seeing this error continuously on your computer’s screen that means your computer system is might get some kind of OS or a hardware related problem. I know it feels really annoying when you get this error in the middle of your work or may be on your system’s startup, but hang on for a while because I will definitely going to help you out for that.


    The bad thing which hates about this error is that your computer’s OS doesn’t know which part or software of your PC is creating this problem and that’s the reason why you need to troubleshoot this BSOD according to the condition what you are currently facing.

    Normally this error caused by different types of reasons what I’m all listed below and because of those, now you’ll need to try some different solution in order to fix your computer.

    Here’s The List of Causes for “System Thread Exception Not Handled” BSOD:
    • Boot Volume Problem (Hard disk problem)
    • Drivers Corruption
    • Windows Problem
    • BIOS Corruption

    Now as you know, there are some different types of solutions you’ll need to perform on your computer system to fix this problem. So, just stick with this tutorial and follow every single step which I’m all suggested below in this article.
    So, I categorize the solutions into three different parts according to the different conditions –
    1. On Operating System Startup – Yes, most of the times this error occurred right after when you start your Computer’s Operating System, even whatever version of Windows you are using in it, and after that, it will restart your computer by showing you the blue screen background with this “SYSTEM THREAD EXCEPTION NOT HANDLED” error code on it.
    2. While Working – Sometimes it’s also possible that this error occurred while when you’re working on some software or playing some game on your PC.
    3. While Operating System Installation – Often this error also showed up while installing Windows OS or may be some other type of OS in our PC.
    In this article, I’m only gonna cover first two conditions properly because if you having the third one “getting error While Windows Installation” then it’s your hard disk problem or maybe that version of Windows isn’t compatible with your computer. To confirm about that, you can use some different hard disk drive or some different Operating System disc on your computer and then again try to reinstall the OS.

    Last edited: Apr 1, 2017

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